The Henry Lester Trust is able to consider applications for a grant from those who meet the following conditions:
Citizenship of the People's Republic of China.
Currently studying at a United Kingdom university or research establishment at postgraduate level or higher.
Please note that we do not accept applications from first and second year students, unless in highly exceptional circumstances, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, if you are applying for funding for your third year, you may apply in the preceding June. Although we will require evidence that you have been accepted into the third year.
Priority is given for the living costs of those in the final year of their studies in the UK, who can show that the final successful achievement of those studies is being negatively affected for some reason by an unexpected lack of finance.
In exceptional circumstances, which require an explanation and written confirmation from the supervisor that such funding is essential for the completion of the qualification, the Trust may also provide funding for expenses which are unexpected and also essential for the completion of the course . Please note that this cannot include any contribution for bench fees, laboratory or other consumables provided by the applicant's own university. The funding of tuition fees (but not consumables) can be considered, also only in exceptional circumstances, if they are outside the timescale for which funding has already been made.
Priority is given to those studying or conducting research in the following fields: medicine, health-related topics and architecture (to include civic planning, construction management etc).
Formal written support of the applicant's professor, head of department or similar senior person. At least one letter of reference from the two supervisors must include an explanation of the specific financial hardship of the applicant.
The applicant will return to China at the end of their studies.
The knowledge and skill obtained will be for the benefit of the people of China generally.
No grants are given for study or research outside the United Kingdom or for seminars or conferences.
At the current time all applications for a grant must be made by email to info@henrylestertrust.com. Applications, using the form provided, must include full details of the course or area of research, a detailed CV, a calculation of the amount sought, and an indication of the intention to return to China in due course. The formal written support of the applicant's professor or head of department (on official headed paper) should be sent directly by the referees to the above email address by the deadline.
The current maximum grant in any one year is £3,500 and the calculation of the amount sought should set out details of both expected income (own/family contribution, scholarships and grants, fee waivers, etc.) and expenditure (fees, travel, living expenses, etc). If the shortfall between the two figures is significantly greater than our current norm then an explanation of how this is to be covered, for instance by an application to another funding body, should be given.
Please use the form below which also gives greater guidance on the information required. Completed forms and accompanying papers are required by the 15th of the following months: October, January, April and June.
Provided all the necessary information is given, applications are usually processed within 5 weeks and, if approved, the grant will be paid directly to the awardee. Although a repeat application, supported by the professor or head of department, may be made at the appropriate time, the circumstances of the earlier grant will be taken into account.
Applications will only be considered on the above basis and applicants should in no way assume that an application submitted will guarantee a grant.
Please click here to download the application form.
The Trustees reserve the right to decline any application without giving any reason and also to waive certain restrictions in exceptional cases.